Making Sense of Cloud-Native Security (Ep. 58)

February 6, 2018 Jeff Kelly

Every enterprise today is concerned about security.  And so they should be. They're also eager to embrace modern development techniques and associated tools to get better and faster at creating great software. How do you take on the latter without sacrificing the former? In this episode of Pivotal Insights, Pivotal's Chief Security Officer for Product Justin Smith talks about the security implications of digital transformation and why a threat-centric point of view is the key to success.

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About the Author

Jeff Kelly

Jeff Kelly is a Director of Partner Marketing at Pivotal Software. Prior to joining Pivotal, Jeff was the lead industry analyst covering Big Data analytics at Wikibon. Before that, Jeff covered enterprise software as a reporter and editor at TechTarget. He received his B.A. in American studies from Providence College and his M.A. in journalism from Northeastern University.

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