IMPORTANT NOTICE: [php-buildpack] End of Support for PHP versions 7.2.x after 2020-12-02

November 2, 2020 Pivotal Buildpacks

The first release of the PHP buildpack after December 2, 2020 will no longer include PHP versions 7.2.x. These PHP versions will no longer be supported upstream.[1] Please migrate your PHP apps to supported versions of PHP before that time.

Note: As 7.2.x is the current default version of PHP in the buildpack, the default PHP version will be updated to 7.4.x as a part of this removal. If you’d like to use a different PHP version, please configure your application to select that version[2].

As always, the buildpacks team is happy to answer questions you may have about this deprecation in the #buildpacks Slack channel.

[1] – 

[2] – 


Kashyap Vedurmudi, Buildpacks PM

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