Safety at Speed: Panel Discussion with Boeing Corporation
"If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance." ~ Orville Wright For over 100 years, The Boeing Company has succeeded in delivering products that house 100s of customers in pressurized containers to thousands of locations around the globe travelling upwards of 600 miles per hour, as well as enabling some of the most sophisticated defense systems that protect our countries 365 days a year. Oh, and we will be the first to put a person on Mars! This passion and bold vision continues to fuel that aspiration for exploration and innovation, and yet never sacrificing on quality and safety of our products. Not only is there evidence of our companies’ focus towards transforming the future for our customers, but we inheritably build products that must be perfect each and every time they are used. However, what you may not be aware of is the Digital Transformational efforts that are reshaping our traditional enterprises that carry thousands of employees, surrounded by legacy systems and layers of bureaucracy. Join our panel for an interactive conversation around how we started our journey of adopting Cloud Foundry and multi datacenter availability, and how we are enabling product development teams with Toolchains for automated CI/CD. Come hear about the experiences and how our developers challenged the status quo by driving positive change into Boeing IT with new levels of expectations and mindset shifts of the possible. As these organic experiments began to evolve around our self-forming teams pairing on RESTful web APIs, Cloud Native application architectures and the physical work environment, so did the support from our leadership. So, if Boeing can transform, why can’t you!? Speakers: Sophia Bright Senior Director Human Resources, Safety & Security, OIG/Admin, & Corporate (HSOC), Boeing David Ibanez Software Engineer, Boeing Rob Monroe Technical Product Manager, Boeing Brad Schaefbauer Platform Service Owner, Boeing Enterprise Cloud Services , Boeing Chris Phillipson Sr Platform Architect, Pivotal Filmed at SpringOne Platform 2018