Software Delivery Needs a Framework: Lessons from Spring

September 30, 2018

We have frameworks for developing better software faster. Why do the tools for delivering software not afford that same level of efficiency? Code is a powerful tool for good. Spring Framework made enterprise Java applications possible. Spring Boot has ushered in a modern era of Java services. In this talk, Spring Framework creator Rod Johnson explores applying lessons learned from the Spring Framework to software delivery. The fundamental idea is that your development and delivery experience should be developed, in code, on top of a framework – not left to an unholy mix of Bash scripts and YAML files. In this session, Rod discusses and demonstrates in product and code: * Defining delivery in code that is flexible, testable, and leverages tooling support. * The power of a fundamentally different approach using events as the backbone of your delivery flow, making it easy to roll out new steps and changes to your delivery. * An interface over the entire delivery process that makes it programmable, with a software delivery machine Speaker: Rod Johnson Co-founder and CEO, Atomist Filmed at SpringOne Platform 2018

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