Too much magic for Ken

February 22, 2013 Callum Stott


Lobot needs YOU

The Lobot project is recruiting team members. Mostly that means that when scheduling permits, you’ll work on Lobot as a project. Contact Ken (the new PM), or Davis.

How do RubyMine inspections work?

I have a module that creates methods dynamically, but I want Command-B to work for those methods.


before_save on: :create fails silently

before_save and after_save will happily take an on: :create option, and then completely ignore it. before_validation takes an on: :create option, and actually works, which is why it feels natural to put on: :create after a before or after save.

The right answer, apparently, is to use before_create or after_create.

See also:

Resque worker shutting down on Heroku – solved

We recently added the resque-pool gem which does alias_method on the resque worker shutdown? method to look at the pid of the process being shutdown. On Heroku this always evaluates to true.
Takeaway message don’t add resque-pool gem to your gemfile for an heroku application.

Weekly email of curated links from hacker news. Recommended by Rajan.

Thoughtbot is writing a book

Ruby Science:

About the Author


Building identical gems
Building identical gems

We ran into a problem where we were running `gem build` on identical input files and the built gems had dif...

See You at MWC 2013!

Mobile World Congress 2013 is exploring the new mobile horizon at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona from February ...