Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment to This Month in Spring. We're already in the fabulous month of March! I can't believe it. Spring time is nearly here! And the days are going to get longer soon. It's my favorite time of the year!
I've been keeping super busy since the last time we spoke! I've doing almost daily livestreams over on my little Youtube channel, talking about PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Java, Kotlin, Spring, and so much more. I'm also doing a little bit of travel in the weeks and months ahead, and I hope to see you there! I should be at Devnexus, Spring IO, Kotlin Conf, Devoxx GR, the Utrecht JUG, Devoxx UK, and a few others. As always, stay tuned to my Twitter (@starbuxman) for the latest and greatest.
Alright, my friends, let's dive right into it. There's just too much, and we gotta start somewhere!
- I did a presentation introducing Spring Boot 3 on the JetBrains IntelliJ Youtube channel last week. People seem to like it. Maybe you will too?
- Hey, have you checked out Spring Academy? It's a free resource for training from experts on the Spring team. Check it out!
- The 2022 State of Spring Survey Report is out! It's amazing. It's an amazing representation of our wonderful community, and I hope you'll check it out.
- Spring Cloud Function for Azure Function
- Spring Data 2022.0.3 and 2021.2.9 released
- Spring R2DBC for Reactive Relational Databases in Reactive Programming | Gökhan Ayrancıoğlu - Software Engineer, Blogger
- I'll be joining Mark Thomas, legendary contributor to Apache Tomcat, live at 9am here . Join us, bring your questions, etc.
- JRebel has a nice look at the New Features in Spring Framework 6 | JRebel by Perforce
- Authenticating Users with AzureAD in Spring Boot
- Debugging Spring Method Annotations Using Lightrun
- Migrate Application From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3
- Pitfalls on Testing with Spring Boot
- Post form-url-encoded Data with Spring Cloud Feign
- Reactive Programming with Spring Data R2DBC on MariaDB SkySQL
- The latest updates to Visual Studio @code for #Java bring support for JUnit 5 parallel testing and a filter widget in the Spring Boot dashboard. Learn more about the February
- Project Panama is so cool! It provides an easy way to interact with native code. Check out the Baeldung article: Guide to Java Project Panama
- Managing Multiple JDK Installations With jEnv. SDKMan and jEnv both provide a fantastic way to automatically manage Java environments.
- Spring Authorization Server 1.0.1 and 0.4.1 available now
- Spring Authorization Server 1.1.0-M1 available now
- Spring Boot 2.7.9 available now
- Spring Boot 3.1.0-M1 available now
- Did you see this amazing video on Spring Framework 6: Infrastructure Themes by Spring cofounder and Spring Framework lead Juergen Hoeller? It's awesome!
- Spring Shell 2.1.7, 3.0.1 and 3.1.0-M1 are now available
- I loved this blog by Apache Tomcat team's Mark Thomas on some of the implications of using Project Loom when building web applications with Project Loom and Apache Tomcat; the Tl;DR is that traditional applications will benefit when using Project Loom. Hurray!
- Cay Horstmann's Unblog
- Deep dive into AWS Lambda using Spring Boot 3 and GraalVM
- Download a Webpage in Java
- Introduction to Roaring Bitmap
- Are you using Testcontainers and Testcontainers Cloud? Did you know that you could install it locally with Homebrew?
brew tap atomicjar/tap brew install --cask testcontainers-cloud-desktop
- Difference Between
, andexecute()
- Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.10.1 Released
- Spring Data 2023.0.0-M2, 2022.0.2, and 2021.2.8 released
- Spring Data Repositories – Collections vs. Stream
- Spring for GraphQL 1.1.2 released
- Gradle 8.0 is out!
- Baeldung is hiring a Spring developer! They're looking for a Backend Java/Spring Team Lead with Integration Experience
- Micrometer Application Observability
- Hey, this is important: migrate From Java 8 to Java 17
- VMware Tanzu Application Platform Adds Buildpack Improvements and Application Limits
- I have a new video up on the Manifold project, which offers some out-of-this-world enhancements to Java the language
- A Bootiful Podcast: opensource, Spring Cloud, and Kubernetes maestro Abel Salgado Romero
- Create Dynamic Queues in RabbitMQ
- Difference Between findBy and findAllBy in Spring Data JPA
- Fix
When UsingJdbcTemplate
- Getting the Current ApplicationContext in Spring
- JUnit 5 @Nested Test Classes
- Java Team Lead with Spring Experience (Remote) (Part Time)
- OpenTelemetry Setup in Spring Boot Application
- Using Google login with Spring Boot 3 and Thymeleaf
- I've been exploring Spring Batch in my latest series, Let's Code: Spring Batch, There are (so far) six parts: one, two, three, four, five, and six. I might do a seventh part to look at GraalVM. Probably. But either way, in this series we look at a lot of stuff, going from zero to hero with Spring Batch. Enjoy!
- A Bootiful Podcast: Moderne founder Jon Schneider on OpenRewrite, modernizing code bases en masse, freedom and responsibility, and more
- Analyzing the State of Spring Report with the Spring Engineering Team
- Dynamite Duo: GWT Boot and Spring Boot by Dr. Lofi Dewanto
- How To retry Third-party API Elegantly in Spring Boot
- Spring Initializr and Continuous Generation
- Spring Tools 4.17.2 released
- SpringOne State of Mind: Josh Long’s Musings from SpringOne Essentials
- Using Micrometer to trace your Spring Data JPA application
- Using and Testing Axon applications via REST
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