This Month in Spring - December 2022

December 7, 2022 Josh Long

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Month in Spring! As I write this it's early December, 2022, and that means this will be the last installment of This Month in Spring until the new year!

Since we last spoke, we've released Spring Framework 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0. I did a video covering some of my favorite features in the new Spring Framework 6.0 release and then I did another video introducing the new ahead-of-time AOT compilation engine in Spring Boot 3. If you'd like to learn more, you should check this videos out.

Here's an overview video:

And here's the deep dive into the new Spring Boot 3 AOT engine, making it trivial to build GraalVM native images:

This last video is a deep-dive into the Spring component model and provides an introduction to the new AOT engine, a revision of what it looks like to use some of Spring's rich component model with the new AOT engine, how to migrate existing applications, and then a dissection of the details of the AOT engine and how you can wield it to make troublesome code work in a GraalVM application.

And now, here we are, staring down the holiday season and the new year. I've got many plans for the holiday break, and if I manage to get even 1/10th of it done, then I'll have a lot of good stuff for you next month!

And in the meantime, we have a ton of stuff to review, so let's dive into it!

About the Author

Josh Long (@starbuxman) is a Spring Developer Advocate at VMware. Josh is a Java Champion, a Google Developer Expert for Kotlin, author of six books (including O'Reilly's "Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry") and the just released "Reactive Spring" (, six best-selling Livelessons video trainings (including "Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons" with Phil Webb and "Spring Security Livelessons" with Rob Winch, and "Cloud Foundry Livelessons" with Josh McKenty), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin). Josh also has a podcast, "A Bootiful Podcast," and does a series of screencasts, "Spring Tips", on YouTube ( Josh routinely blogs on the Spring blog (

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