Join the public beta for GenAI on Tanzu Platform today!

July 1, 2024 Nick Kuhn

We are thrilled to announce that the initial release of GenAI on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry is now available on the Broadcom Support Portal. Our team has dedicated months to developing this public beta feature, which will enable our enterprise customers to quickly develop AI-powered intelligent applications securely.

Let's take a look at some of the features included in the initial public beta release:

Empower developers to quickly build GenAI applications on Tanzu Platform

    • Developers can continue to use their familiar cf push and cf service-binding workflows to deploy and manage intelligent applications using large-language models running on Tanzu Platform
    • Secure and private access to Open-AI compatible APIs for application development. Developers can easily convert public Open-AI endpoints to Tanzu Platform endpoints with little or no code change for increased security.

    • Your existing Java developers can utilize Spring AI with Tanzu Platform Gen AI capabilities without the need to reskill on a different language or application framework to deliver intelligent applications safely.

    • Secure AI embeddings with Tanzu Data Solutions: Tanzu Postgres and Tanzu Gemfire make great additions to the Tanzu Platform marketplace as developers can easily deploy and bind these managed services for AI embeddings as these offerings have been updated to include vector stores.

Enable platform engineers to provide secure and scalable infrastructure for intelligent applications with Tanzu Platform

    • Support on VMware vSphere, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, and Azure
    • Deployment of private large language models (LLMs) via BOSH in your Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry deployment

    • Support for open-source Hugging Face transformer models

    • Support for pulling from private or restricted Hugging Face repos

    • Inference support for Nvidia GPUs (vGPU and Pass-through mode)

    • Inference support on Intel Xeon CPUs (performance may vary based on model size and CPU generation)

    • Secure and Private access to an Open-AI compatible API with support for multiple backing LLMs and inference types (fastchat, vLLM, instructor, ipex-worker)

Get a deep dive into the GenAI on Tanzu Platform with Cloud Foundry Weekly

Nicky Pike and Nick Kuhn review the features of the GenAI beta on Cloud Foundry Weekly Episode 16.

We are interested in your feedback! 

We’re excited to launch our public beta, which is open to existing Tanzu Platform customers interested in exploring how developers can leverage GenAI for their applications. The current feature set is just a drop in the bucket for all of the planned functionality. Join the beta program to help directly influence our roadmap and guide the product as the GenAI landscape is evolving rapidly.

Download the beta now to get started building intelligent applications powered by AI on Tanzu Platform today!

For more information on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry, learn more about our latest 6.0 release and stay up-to-date with the latest news in the Cloud Foundry space via our weekly podcast Cloud Foundry Weekly.

VMware makes no guarantee that services announced in preview or beta will become available at a future date. The information in this press release is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. This article may contain hyperlinks to non-VMware websites that are created and maintained by third parties who are solely responsible for the content on such websites.

About the Author

Nick Kuhn

Nick Kuhn is a senior technical marketing architect working on Tanzu Application Service and Tanzu Application Platform. His experience with VMware products started with a traditional role as VI admin and morphed over the years into the realm of DevOps, SRE, and Platform Architecture & Engineering for a Fortune 100 company. In his free time, Nick enjoys spending time with his family, tinkering with tech, and the occasional video game session. You can find him on Twitter @tehkuhnz.

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