Cloud Foundry Welcomes Joyent as Community Lead for Node.js

November 8, 2011 Cloud Foundry

featured-cf-genericCloud Foundry has supported Node.js from day one. Today we are delighted to announce Joyent will become the Cloud Foundry Community Lead for Node.js. Community Leads bring deep experience and passion for specific technologies to Cloud Foundry. Joyent will contribute and maintain Node.js support for Cloud Foundry, providing ongoing updates, direction and community engagement.

As the open source project owner and home to Node’s core team, Joyent has invested heavily in making Node the leading runtime for data-intensive real-time mobile and web applications for the individual developer and the enterprise. Node is also interwoven throughout Joyent’s own operating system (SmartOS) and SmartDataCenter cloud orchestration software to enable powerful real-time tools such as Cloud Analytics.

Joyent has already offered some preliminary plans for improving and expanding Node.js support on Cloud Foundry in their blog.

We’re excited about what this means for Node.js support on Cloud Foundry going forward.

If you haven’t signed up for Cloud Foundry and want an easy way to try out Node.js, you can register here.

– The Cloud Foundry Team

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