Today, VMware and Pivotal share an important milestone in our promise to deliver a next generation, turnkey Cloud-Native platform that will fundamentally transform how companies deliver and run custom enterprise software. We are announcing a new, open source Photon Platform Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) for BOSH that we have donated to the Cloud Foundry Foundation to expand support for all Cloud Foundry distributions to work with VMware’s Photon Platform.
BOSH is part of the special sauce that makes Cloud Foundry great. Available as an open source toolchain, when baked into your cloud infrastructure platform it addresses many of the common challenges in running distributed systems, including deploying apps seamlessly across dev, test and prod environments, even when those deployments are on different cloud services. It doesn’t stop there either, as it also performs handy things like monitoring, failure recovery, and software updates with zero-to-minimal downtime. In short, it’s the key to building and deploying software in a highly reproducible way. And now it’s available to work with VMware’s Photon Controller.
VMware’s Photon Platform is a logical evolution of their bread-and-butter virtualization software—a complete rethink for modern cloud computing where speed, scale, and programmability rule. The Photon Machine takes the most important parts of the VMware ESXi technology to create the lightweight ESX Microvisor, pares it with the Photon OS, a similarly lightweight, Linux operating system optimized for VMware environments, and wraps it all up for easy management through the Photon Controller.
With the Photon solving for fast startup and provisioning of compute infrastructure at scale, the obvious next step is to address how applications are delivered on this infrastructure. This is where Cloud Foundry and BOSH specifically come in.
BOSH was born back when Pivotal Cloud Foundry was part of the VMware organization in anticipation of this exact need, and hardened through a broader community of industry giants through its home now in the Cloud Foundry Foundation.
It’s the logical first pairing point for VMware’s modern Cloud-Native infrastructure with Cloud Foundry’s platform for application lifecycle automation. It is delivered as a CPI, which is an API that is used to interact with an underlying IaaS, such as Photon, to create and manage objects on an infrastructure, including images, VMs and disks. Essentially, the Photon Controller BOSH CPI release opens up Cloud Foundry users to deploy and manage apps on VMware’s Photon.
To learn more or try the new CPI, check out VMware’s blog or visit the project’s GitHub page and follow a few simple steps to get started using BOSH on the Photon Platform.
BOSH Technical Day At Cloud Foundry Summit
For those looking to learn more about BOSH, this year’s Cloud Foundry Summit will also offer a full day of technical training on BOSH. Click here for additional details and registration.
For more information and to register for the Summit, visit:
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