Cloud Foundry for Ruby Developers: A Tutorial

May 19, 2011 Cloud Foundry

featured-cf-genericWe spent this week at RailsConf Baltimore, Maryland. It was great to see hundreds of Ruby and Rails developers excited about the open PaaS vision of Cloud Foundry. We got tons of questions and great feedback – thank you all!

On Monday we conducted a hands on tutorial where attendees build their own “who follows who” twitter Ruby application on Cloud Foundry. Above you can watch a step-by-step screen cast of the tutorial and try it yourselves.

On Tuesday, we had a session on the architecture from the developer perspective of Cloud Foundry, focusing on the Ruby and Rails benefits. You can watch the presentation here.

This screencast is technical and focused on Developers, showing them how to use Cloud Foundry, the first Open Platform as a Service by VMware. The workshop takes you through creating a Sinatra application using sample code from here . Once the Sinatra application which leverages Twitter is working, the workshop then takes you through adding Redis to your application. Finally the workshop ends after taking you through scaling your application instances up and then back down.

PLEASE NOTE that if you are using this code and get an Undetermined error, it is likely due to RATE LIMITING from Twitter. If this happens, try your code again a while later as the rate limiting on Twitter is hourly usage based!

About the Author


Code Monkey
Code Monkey

So I didn't go to whatever was going on in Baltimore this week, but I did do a whole bunch of open source c...

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