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Application Modernization with Cloud Flexibility

Developers face many choices when writing software. In this whitepaper, leaders from Microsoft and Pivotal aim to help you answer the question “how do I balance flexibility with differentiated cloud services across providers?”

Ideally, you’d have choice without compromise. Developers could use any cloud service on their preferred cloud infrastructure. And there would be no cost or complexity to move from one cloud provider to another. But that’s not practical in real world. The place of innovation from cloud providers and the open source community is simply too great.

Pivotal and Microsoft developed the next best thing: an evaluation and implementation framework that helps you employ the power of a given cloud platform, while ensuring cloud flexibility for their application modernization projects.

Download this paper, and bring more flexibility to your modern software development.

About the Authors

Uli Homann, Distinguished Architect, Microsoft 
Josh McKenty, Vice President & Field CTO, Pivotal

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